Adding a folder in project will help you manage objects scientifically. You can also edit those folder objects like a group element, moving, deleting, or editing are time-saving and high efficiency.

Learn the following stops to add a folder for your project:

1. Add Folder in Timeline

Click "Add Folder" icon at the bottom of timeline, then you will have a folder added in timeline.

How to add a folder

2. Adjust Folder's Layer

Rename your folder, click it and use your mouse or "Send Backward", "Bring Forward" buttons to put it anywhere you want in the timeline.

How to add a folder

3. Drag Objects in Folder

Select objects in the timeline, then drag them into your folder.

How to add a folder

4. Click Folder and Edit Objects Together 

As you have dragged objects in folder, you can click the folder to select more objects together in the canvas, then to easily edit, move, and delete these objects like a group element.


How to add a folder